
Prepper How To: Prepping for Survival

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The Importance of Being Prepared

“Be prepared.” It’s a phrase we’ve heard countless times, but how often do we truly embody its message? In the realm of survival, being prepared means anticipating potential challenges and taking proactive steps to mitigate their impact. It’s about nurturing the resilience to withstand crises, not out of fear, but out of the desire for self-reliance and security. Welcome to the world of survival prepping. In this prepper how to guide, we’ll introduce the essentials of prepping for survival. The road to preparedness may seem daunting initially, but by tackling it one step at a time, you will soon transform into a proficient prepper. So, let’s plunge into the journey!

The Philosophy Behind Survival Prepping

Survival prepping is a mindset — it’s the art and science of preparing for scenarios that could significantly disrupt your normal routine. This could encompass natural disasters such as hurricanes or earthquakes, or societal disruptions like economic collapses or pandemics. But the core of survival prepping isn’t fear. Rather, it’s about readiness and resilience in the face of these challenges.

Think of survival prepping as a form of insurance. We buy car insurance not because we’re planning to get into a car accident, but to feel secure in the knowledge that we’re protected if it does occur. The same principle applies to survival prepping.

Launching Your Prepping Journey

Embarking on your prepping journey begins with assessing your current state of preparedness. Start by identifying the potential threats relevant to your geographical location and lifestyle. Are you prone to hurricanes or wildfires? Or perhaps you live in a densely populated city, making you more susceptible to the effects of a pandemic?

After identifying potential threats, evaluate the resources you currently have. Do you have any emergency supplies? Do you know basic first aid? Finally, create a plan to address the gaps in your preparedness. This approach ensures that your prepping efforts are targeted and effective.

Constructing an Emergency Survival Kit

A crucial component of your survival preparation is the emergency survival kit, also known as a “bug-out bag.” This kit should be portable, easy to grab in a rush, and equipped with essentials to support you for at least 72 hours (three days) in an emergency. Here’s what your kit should include:

Hydration and Nutrition

Hydration and nutrition are fundamental to survival. Aim to store at least three days’ worth of water — approximately one gallon per person per day for drinking and sanitation. Also, pack non-perishable, easy-to-eat food items. Opt for high-protein foods that don’t require cooking, like energy bars and canned meats.

Medical Supplies

A comprehensive first aid kit is a must. It should include bandages of various sizes, antiseptic wipes, tweezers for splinter or tick removal, medical tape, over-the-counter pain relievers, and a supply of necessary prescription medications.

Tools and Equipment

Your kit should contain essential tools and equipment. These include a multi-tool (with a can opener), a sturdy knife, a flashlight (with extra batteries), a whistle for signaling help, and local maps. Consider including a portable cellphone charger, too.

Personal Essentials

Lastly, pack important personal items. These comprise copies of critical documents (like IDs, insurance policies, and medical records), a stash of cash in small denominations, personal hygiene items (like toothbrushes, toothpaste, and soap), and a change of clothes suitable for the weather.

Always remember to customize your kit according to your personal needs and those of your family, including any pets. Each person’s needs are unique — a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work in survival prepping.

Building a Stockpile for Survival

As you navigate through your prepping journey, you’ll quickly realize that a 72-hour emergency kit, while essential, may not suffice for prolonged crises. That’s where building a stockpile comes in. For extended emergencies, a well-prepared stockpile can be the lifeline that sees you through. This cache should contain a broader array of the items found in your emergency kit, plus a few additional considerations:

Extended Food and Water Supplies

Unlike your emergency survival kit designed for a short-term crisis, your stockpile should be prepared to sustain you for longer durations. Plan for at least two weeks’ worth of food and water for each person. Remember to choose long-lasting, non-perishable food items and to rotate your stock periodically to keep it fresh.

Sanitation Supplies

Maintaining hygiene and cleanliness is crucial during emergencies, both for comfort and health reasons. Your stockpile should include items like soap, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and household cleaning products. Remember to store adequate supplies for every member of your household.

Alternate Power Sources

Extended power outages are common during disasters. Prepare by considering alternative power sources like solar-powered devices or generators. If you opt for a generator, don’t forget to also stockpile the necessary fuel, and always use it with appropriate safety measures.

Communication Tools

Information is vital during crises. A battery-powered or hand-cranked radio can help you stay informed about the situation and any updates or instructions from local authorities. Keep extra batteries in your stockpile too, ensuring your radio stays functional when you need it most.

See Also: Survival Foods with Long Shelf Life

Gaining Essential Survival Skills for Your Prepper How To

Survival prepping transcends merely stockpiling gear and supplies; it’s also about building a repertoire of essential skills. Being resourceful and adaptable, knowing how to use your tools effectively, and having vital survival skills can be the difference between a harrowing experience and a manageable one. Here are some key survival skills every prepper should consider learning:

Basic First Aid

Knowing how to treat minor injuries can be a lifesaver in emergency situations where professional medical help might not be immediately available. Consider taking a first aid and CPR course. These courses are widely available, and the skills learned could prove invaluable.

Fire Starting Techniques

Fire is a fundamental survival tool. It provides warmth, allows for the cooking of food, purifies water, and can be used as a signal for help. Learn how to start a fire without matches or a lighter — mastering this skill can substantially increase your survival chances.

Navigation Skills

In a world dominated by GPS and smartphones, basic navigation skills can often be overlooked. However, during emergencies, technology might fail, and knowing how to read a traditional map and use a compass can be your best bet at finding your way.

As you continue your prepping journey, remember: your skills are just as valuable, if not more so, than the physical items you have stashed away. Keep learning, practicing, and honing your survival skills. That way, you’ll be prepared to face whatever comes your way.

Crafting a Survival Plan

A survival plan serves as your blueprint during emergencies, giving you and your family clear instructions on what to do, where to go, and how to communicate. Remember, in the face of a crisis, it’s easy to panic and forget even basic procedures, so having a comprehensive plan is crucial. Let’s look at what your survival plan should include:

Emergency Contacts

In times of crisis, communication can become challenging. Ensure you have a list of essential emergency contacts that every family member has access to. These contacts could include local emergency services, trusted neighbors, friends, or family who live nearby, and out-of-town contacts—it’s often easier to make long-distance calls during widespread local emergencies. Also, consider identifying a family meeting point in case your family gets separated and communication channels are disrupted.

Evacuation Routes

Familiarize yourself with the best routes out of your home and community, considering different potential disaster scenarios. Ensure all family members know these routes, and practice using them. In cases where you need to evacuate quickly, having a preplanned evacuation route can save valuable time.

Shelter Plans

Not all emergencies require or allow for evacuation. In some cases, the safest course of action is to take shelter. Identify the safest places in your home to take shelter during different types of disasters—for example, a basement during tornadoes, or an interior room without windows during hurricanes. Additionally, identify potential shelter locations outside your home, such as local shelters, community centers, or even friends’ or relatives’ homes.

Prepping for Survival: The 126 Survival Foods

When building your food stockpile, diversity is essential. An ideal survival food stash is not only long-lasting but also provides the necessary nutrients to keep you healthy and energized during an emergency. The Lost Survival Foods, a renowned survival guide, provides a list of 126 survival foods that you should consider adding to your stockpile. Here’s a look at why this diverse array of foods is essential for your prepping endeavors:

Variety and Nutrition

The 126 survival foods offer a wide variety of choices, from grains and legumes to canned goods, dried fruits, and more. This variety ensures that you’re getting a balanced diet, which is crucial to maintaining your health during stressful situations. Each type of food offers different nutrients—carbohydrates for energy, protein for muscle repair and growth, and various vitamins and minerals for overall bodily function.

Shelf Life and Preservation

These survival foods are chosen for their long shelf life and ease of preservation. Most of them can be stored for months, if not years, without refrigeration. This is particularly advantageous when dealing with power outages or when your access to fresh food becomes limited.

Ease of Preparation

Most items on the list are easy to prepare, requiring minimal ingredients and cooking equipment. This can prove to be invaluable during a crisis, when your cooking resources might be restricted.


The foods listed are adaptable and can be used in a variety of meals, allowing you to maintain some semblance of normalcy and avoid “menu fatigue” during prolonged emergencies.

20 Items You May Want to Include in Survival Arsenal

  • Water filtration system
  • Non-perishable food supplies
  • First aid kit
  • Emergency communication devices
  • Portable generator
  • Solar power charger
  • Survival knife
  • Fire starters
  • Extra clothing and blankets
  • Personal hygiene supplies
  • Tools and utensils
  • Shelter supplies (tent, tarp)
  • Protective gear (masks, gloves)
  • Multi-purpose duct tape
  • Basic camping gear
  • Off-grid cooking equipment
  • Emergency cash and important documents
  • Seeds for growing food
  • Self-defense tools (if legally permitted)
  • Books on survival and self-sufficiency techniques

Remember, individual needs may vary, so it’s important to assess and customize your prepping supplies accordingly.

Conclusion: Prepper How To – Embrace the Journey

Prepping for survival is more than just a practical endeavor; it’s a lifestyle choice. It’s about understanding the risks, making plans, acquiring the right gear and skills, and maintaining a mindset of preparedness. This prepper how to guide is your starting point on this journey of resilience and readiness.

While the path to becoming a fully-fledged prepper may seem long, remember that each step you take is a move towards being better prepared and more self-reliant. With time, you’ll find that prepping brings not just peace of mind, but also a profound sense of empowerment. Here’s to your journey in prepping for survival!

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